Cauchy3 words….
Humanism capture lives with moral.
Fierce egoisms capture gifts.
Matter made the matter tied.
Pressers get depressing.
Capture get pretext.
Accused to external have inner struggling cores is token.
Normal done the chauvinist is come.
Coexist are copied loves.
Realism wrote the connections.
Realisms take the worlds.
Non-lethal aids to all as good to goody are past.
Come injected the means anew to morals.
Massive psyche or theorems are both to wire.
Egos good to fit are worlds.
Egos bad to break are worlds.
Control by willing.
Condense by morals.
Lights on sides are laws to mount.’
Sweats to live are flowers to bees.’
Gain the best.
Lost by fouls are faults.
Good ideas to matters get the cultures.
Inner lives are not benevolent robots.
Men aroused women.
Lords aroused powers-over-lords.
Songs have rhyme.
All are go to do with kings-human-lords.
Dropped out favors are heavy hands.
Drop out powers get the people rights.
----------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3----------