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Re: day 17 and i cant take it anymore! please help i need alternative!

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detour Views: 1,967
Published: 17 y
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Re: day 17 and i cant take it anymore! please help i need alternative!

Hi Brandy!

Can't add a lot to what has been said other than I didn't see negativity in your
post, yet a cry for help. We all need help sometimes. I'll take all I can get.

I mentioned the other day that my son came home all proud about a paper he wrote. The assignment was to write in exactly 57 words ,something about a gecko. He had so much fun with the challenge of trying to make it 57 words on the nose. Little did he know that the whole 'game' was really just to get him to write without feelng it was a 'writing assignment'.

To assimilate the protocol of the Master-Cleanse with the story is only to say that it's all laid out for you- Without having to think much other than measuring, squeezing and drinking. The ingredients are simple and effective. If you want to do the master
cleanse, then they are all you need. Geez, 17 days of any program is proof that you can pretty much do anything. I hope you will try The Master Cleanse on its own so you can feel and reap the benefits like so many other have. It is life changing.
Though it is a roller coaster ride until your mind and body accept it. Hop on and
hold on tight. It's not always easy,yet well worth the bumps and highs.

Cayenne is strong stuff. I couldn't even begin to describe the noises I used to make when I first started doing this cleanse. My girlfriend said I sounded like a pissed off duck and cat fight. Start with a speck ,then build up. My trick is to float it on top and drink the lemonade before it sinks. The longer it steeps ,the stronger it gets, even for just a second. The capsules can work,too, like Hopinso said. Maybe empty one in half and see what happens. I never thought I would learn to get used to drinking it, yet now I use as much as a teaspoon each batch, not to say that on the way out I don't make that duck sound again. :P

We are all in the same boat here...

Aloha, Detour


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