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Tehran cut off from internet
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Tehran cut off from internet



February 01, 2008

Given that the cable linking UAE and Oman was cut earlier today, this cable linking Suez with Sri Lanka is the FOURTH cable that has been cut! - M. R.
The biggest problem the Bush administration faced during Iraq were images coming over the internet that showed the horrors being visited on the Iraqi people, and exposed the government's lies about Saddam.

I am greatly concerned that these undersea cable cuttings are intended to prevent the world from seeing something that is about to happen, other than through the government-controlled propaganda/media.

As of this posting, the Internet Traffic Report shows that Tehran is cut off from the rest of the internet. However some traffic, such as that to Ahmadinejad's blog, is still getting through, albeit slowly. - M. R.

Severed cables disrupt internet

There was disruption to 70% of the nationwide network in Egypt, and India suffered up to 60% disruption.


I’m not one that usually believes in International Conspiracy Theories… but THIS is too much of a coincidence not to be related to one. For most of this week there has been virtually no Internet connectivity to much of the Middle East. This has caused many problems to merchants and to areas of education… needless to say, the Blogesphere… Why do I suspect something ‘fishy’…. Israel has not been affected at all.


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