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Need your help (sign-in problems)
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Published: 17 y

Need your help (sign-in problems)

During the several last months ... several changes have been made on CureZone, some of them affecting your sign-in process.

Most of the changes were invisible (background) ... but some people had problems signing in or staying signed in. (changes have been affecting CureZone cookies)

The last change have been implemented several hours ago.

I need to know how many of you are still experiencing problems signing-in (while posting a new message or uploading a file) on CureZone.

I am talking about the last 3 hours.

If you have been asked to sign-in on CureZone more then one slingle time during the last 3 hours, please provide me the next data:

- Platform version (for example: Windows XP/Vista/ME/2000/2003, Lynux, Apple )

- Service Pack version of your Windows (if you have Windows)(Open Windows Explorer, Select Help from the main manu and the select "About Windows") It says somtehing like: Microsoft Windows Version 5.1 Service Pack 1

- Browser you are using (Internet Explorer / Firefox / Netscape / Opera / etc ... )

- Version of your browser ... IE5.1 / IE6.0 / IE 7.0 etc ... Firefox 2.0

Thanks in advance.

All problems reported in this forum are taken seriously and I am working on it ... but I don't always have time to reply to every single message.

Deleting all CureZone cookies have worked for some people.

How to Delete all cookies?

Windows Internet Explorer:

Close all browser windows but one.
Make sure you are not on any CureZone page. (Go anywhere else but CureZone)

Click on the main menu:
Tools -> Internet Options

General Tab
Locate button "Delete Cookies"

Delete all Cookies

Close that browser window.

Restart your computer.

After you log on again on Windows, you should be able to log on CureZone.

If the problems persist, try to repeat this process one more time!

Cookies Must be enabled if you want to post messags on CureZone.

How to Enable Cookies?

To enable cookies, follow the instructions below for the browser version you are using.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x, 6.x

* Select "Internet Options" from the Tools menu.
* Click on the "Security" tab.
* Click "Custom Level" button.
* Scroll down to the "Cookies" section.
* To enable:
o Set "Allow cookies that are stored on your computer" to "Enable".
o Set "Allow per-session cookies" to "Enable".
* Click "OK".

Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x

* Select "Internet Options" from the View menu.
* Click on the "Advanced" tab.
* Scroll down to find "Cookies" within the "Security" section.
* To enable:
o Select "Always accept cookies".
* Click "OK".

Netscape Communicator 4.x, 5.x. 6.x

* Select "Preferences" from the Edit menu.
* Find the "Cookies" section in the "Advanced" category.
* To enable:
o Select "Accept all cookies" (or "Enable all cookies").
* Click "OK".
* To get a prompt: Check "Warn me before accepting a cookie" and select "Accept all cookies" or "Accept only cookies that get sent back to the originating server"
* Click "OK"

Netscape Navigator 3.x

* Select "Options | Network Preferences..." from the main menu.
* Change to the "Protocols" tab.
* Navigator 3.x does not have an option to completely disable accepting cookies.
To get a prompt: Check "Accepting a Cookie" under "Show an Alert Before"
* Click "OK"



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