Re: Behaivior Modification
Thank you for reposting that...Zoe sums it up so well...
I'm on day 3 of a short booster cleanse (10-14? days). I've been here
on the forum for a tad over 4 years.
What I see as the most beneficial attribute of the
Master-Cleanse is that control factor of
saying no. The empowerment of walking away.
If we can go 10-60 days with out chewing a thing , then lets's face it, we can do
So many come here for the reasons of simply losing weight, or a short detox, yet
most will bounce back into the same routine.
If one is trying to lose weight or detox,food and toxins aren't the problem,
habits and behavior are the culprits.
I firmly believe that most habits can be broken in no less than 30 days.
I have done 10 day MCs and as many as 45 days, the key to me is like Zoe said, taking off layers. Change just one habit, or omit just one aspect from the diet.
That's what I have done over the last 33 years. I still have far to go,it's a
lifetime dedication. A 10 day
Master-Cleanse is just the beginning-getting your feet wet.
I advise everyone to work up to a 30 day
Master-Cleanse someday if you haven't already.
There is reasoning behind not altering the protocol of
The Master Cleanse unless
absolutely necessary. There is rhyme behind the ingredients, the timing and the
overall method.
My son came home , proud of a paper he did at school. The assignment, write in exactly fifty seven words, a description of a gecko. Little did he know that the assignment was geared just to get him to write and have fun...a game, using rules.
That's what the MC protocol is to me...I just follow directions and the benefits come naturally , whether I know it or not...I'm too busy measuring, mixing, crapping,etc, to realize that: I'm losing weight, I'm enforcing selfempowerment, I'm giving my body a break from the digestion process thus using that same energy to heal and repair my mind and body...just to name a few. No one is forcing us not to eat or cheat. We are doing it at our free will.
Feel your aware of it embrace it , get used to it,
utilize it, M A S T E R it! Behaviour modification begins
with self control and the visualization of who and what we want to be.