Well, 6 days into this and my teeth look great. And I had been using a sonicare for a couple of years now and had good results but now...well it's got to be the oil but my teeth are ALOT whiter and feel stronger and somehow better "rooted" in my gums. I tend to gum disease and have to be really diligent, and I am going to continue this faithfully I see excellent results and real changes. I was told over 2 years ago that there was nothing to be done but pull all my teeth immediately and get dentures because I was going to lose them in a matter of months anyways! I think my dentist was buying another condo or something...sigh, I still have every one and never any pain anymore and they keep getting healthier looking. I guess I always slept pretty good but I remember more of my dreams lately.
And yes, my feet are now almost like babies, after having been, well, serious ugly calloused dogs!
I pull in the shower, since I take a pretty long shower and there's not much else to do in there. I go on the record that this works!