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Re: parasite tincture
ajgasper Views: 1,854
Published: 17 y
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Re: parasite tincture


Just out of curiosity. When you say you made your on tincture, do you mean you took the raw ingredients and then manufactured the tincture? As an example, in the fall, before the Black-Walnut s fell off the trees and the hulls turned black, did you get walnuts while the hulls were green off the trees? If so, it's going to be hard to determine without knowing the strength of the active ingredients. However, I would be interested in your manufacturing process.

I ran out of Wormwood capsules about a month ago, but found some Wormwood Tincture. Each capsule was a little less than 1/4 tsp. = 365mg. The label on the Wormwood Tincture said the ratio was: Dry herb/menstruum ratio: 1:5. So I added two 1/4 tsp. of the Wormwood Tincture to Apple Cider. I figured that was equal to 10 capsules, or approximately 3,650 mg. On the other hand, I just removed the price sticker from the bottle, and the directions were under it. The directions said to take 10 to 20 drops 1 to 3 times a day. I just measured: a 1/4 tsp. of the tincture is equal to approximately 40 drops. So I took approximately 80 drops of the tincture at one time. The Clark protocol says 7 Wormwood capsules. This calculates out to be 2,550mg using the 365 mg capsules. So I took about 43% more than what the protocol called for based upon the two tsp., or 33% more than the bottle recommended.

So, not knowing the strength of the active ingredients it is not going to be easy to calculate on your part. I also assume, the tinctures are separate. That is, you have a tincture for the Black-Walnut , a tincture for the Wormwood, and a tincture for the Cloves. If you mixed it all together, the only advice I can give comes from the movie, The Kingdom of Heaven. "If you make it to your destination alive, God is with you. If not, God bless you."

God be with you. If not, may his blessings be upon you.



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