I'm glad that at least one person responded to my post! I know I caused quite a stir around here with my last avatar and some people really don't like me! Fine by me!! I don't need anyone's approval!!!
I gotta tell ya, though. I've got a real PPP with your use of acronyms! And I see that you are having the same problem that Rudi is with spelling!! What's with all the spelling bee flunkies around here, anyway?!! I mean, I really don't have a problem with people's learning abilities. And I don't think of them as 'disabilities', either. They're more like 'other' abilities; which we all should be so blessed to have! The only thing with the spelling is sometimes it can change the entire meaning of a sentence. Take yours for instance: Do you mean "moRe"...or "mo", as in mo betta...or "moe" as in The Three Stooges:
And, btw, I'm having trouble with cleaning up again! Before I couldn't find the plug to the bathtub because it was in my mother's bathroom. This time, I am staying with a friend and his house is a real pig sty! I mean, I'm grateful to have a roof over my head, and all! At least I don't have to sleep in a box on the beach in January like I did back in 2000! Seriously, though, someone needs to teach this boy how to clean house! He actually pulled the drawers out of his kitchen cabinet because there is a mouse in the house, and he said he didn't want the mouse crawling around on his silver ware! For crying out loud, the damn mouse is going to crawl all over everything with the open drawers sitting on the kitchen table! Christ-all-mighty, he's acting worse than a scared girl and he was a damn Marine, lol! Now I have to go to the store and pick up a something clean to wear. My clothes are at my mother's house and I don't know if I'm going back there to get them or not. I would need a police escort to do it, and I've had more than my share of men in uniforms for a while! And then I have to come back here and scrub out the damn tub so that I don't get his foot fungus on my feet again! He's a Marine, afterall, and he oughta know to piss on his damn feet to get rid of that sh!t! I just spoke to another Marine when I was in lock-up and he told me that they do, indeed, teach that to Marines! Jeez, this one's more like a hardhead than a jarhead! You can't get anything through to that boy!! He thinks he knows every damn thing and he's about to drive me outta my tree!!!
I sure hope my husband-to-be comes to get me pretty soon! I really need his whole-lotta-love and some serious TLC!! And he desperately needs a good cook with her own groceries!!!