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Published: 17 y
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"Call it what you will; socialism; communism, fascism; Fabianism; oligarchism; fraternal brotherhood'ism; neoconroyalism, whatever'ism....It is coming nonetheless"

I dont have a clue why you people on this board think G. Bush, et al., is a socialist. The NWO that emanates from america is Royalist not Socialist. In Europe it may be a bit different, just as in China it will be different.

Royalism (Royalist Neocon Fascists American Style) which is my term refers to the way Royalty treat the peasants, which is more like slavery than giving them free education, medical care, and retirement benefits.

The Neocons are followers of the chicago school of shock economics. Which is based on the idea that you can get rid of socialism by having a shock to the country,psychic shock or economic,or military shock.

You have nothing to worry about, our socialist experiment will soon be financially impossible with tens of millions of illegals, no useful non war manufacturing, and endless military spending, foreign debt from cheap imports,etc.



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