Mega, At the top of the page where it says The Best Of CureZone Forums : BSA RN RRR RR R just click on one of the groups of red letters there is a review of information posts which have been marked by the web monitor. I think you will find many reports of success with Miracle-Mineral-Supplement from this board if you click on any of the chosen posts. I have experienced many of my MS and other health issues reduced with Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . I have read your posts and feel you may need to take more water. I know that is an issue with me. I am developing thirst finally. Funny drink more water and want more. I think for me it was because when I felt thirsty I drank coffee which is a dehydrating drink. My body stopped asking for hydration because it's message was being answered by me making it dryer by drinking coffee. Go figure but this is how it works. MW