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Re: Akashic Q&A: Thought power
turiya Views: 4,031
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Re: Akashic Q&A: Thought power

Q: In popular culture there is now the understanding that thoughts and words, not just actions, reflect physical reality- an explanation of how the Law of Attraction and Manifestation works. Could you please explain further so that we could fully understand the nature of how the Law of Attraction and Manifesting and the power of prayer work?

A:“Prayer is that of a definite selection of what is wanted. It should be a prayer for a thing, not a condition, for conditions are the results of items or real things. If one wants to be happy, they must do things that are pleasurable in order to become happy, you cannot simply be happy without having some stimulation or some thing that would cause happy to occur.”

Perhaps I may stand alone on this view, then again perhaps, a lot people in the world may just have such a poor ability to be honest with themselves. To me, it appears that there is a common misunderstanding of what prayer means in today’s world.

With people in general today when one sits in prayer, it is of the purpose of wanting to get something from existence [god] instead of being grateful for what one has already received [which may have not necessarily have had a force of desire behind it].

Prayer, to me, means having the quality or being in a state of gratitude, of thankfulness for whatever situation you find yourself in... for whatever you find having for yourself. There is no dialogue that is needed between you and some other entity, hoping for some fulfillment of an idea that you have of how this life should unfold for yourself.

The very idea that prayer is a kind of dialogue between you and existence, that involves you trying to fulfill your desires for how you would like life to unfold for yourself, makes it somewhat irreligious. The concept has no religiousness attached to it at all. At best it could be called a sort of new age type of "spiritual journey through greed", or "doing business with the divine". But just an acceptable form of expressing one's greed.

Don’t get me wrong because I feel that greed is not something to avoid. To get to being able to truly share with others, one has to understand what greed is. And to understand greed, one has to go through it, not by going around greed, not by avoiding it. Because if you avoid greed and try to share with others, your sharing will be false, it will be a pretense. It will not have any depth to it. It will lack the understanding of its opposite. And then, you are doing it because you have been told it is something 'good' do, that should be done, not because it is a natural outcome of living through life’s experiences, through one's own humanness.

With this understanding, greed is not necessarily a "negative" emotion. It is in the end "positive", as all human emotions are. The very idea that any human emotion is "negative" is a misnomer. Emotions get ugly when they are thought to be "negative" and then one represses them or attempts to prevent them from be expressed. They get ugly and appear "negative" when they come out in a perverted form, because they were not allowed natural movement in their expression.

So, if it is a spade, then I say call it a spade. If it’s simply a spade, then a spade is a spade. You can try to call it a holy spade, but it is still just a spade. If the reason for prayer is to get something, then don’t be calling it prayer. Call a “moment of desiring” what you want to have for yourself. Call it "a moment of dialogue to contemplate what you want". But to give it a name like 'prayer' is not being realistic or true.

To say: “Prayer is that of a definite selection of what is wanted.” This statement is feeding the delirium… it is helping to prevent a deeper understanding of the mind mechanism from occurring. It helps to keep consciousness, awareness from flowering. It is perhaps good for the masses at large, but not for those who are ready to move beyond the masses... and the 'crowd' mind.

Yes, this is representative of the condition that afflicts humanity is at the present moment of time, it is the "popular culture". Today "prayer" has taken on the definition that the popular masses would like it to have. Existence has become a means to fulfill man’s desires as opposed to the concept that man is here to allow himself to be filled with the intent and purpose of some divine force that arises beyond the egotistical self.

This, lies at the base of the "Law of Attraction" movement. It is a concept that appeals to the minds of the masses, the 'crowd' minded. It helps to keep those blissfully unconscious, and wonderfully asleep.


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