Question for ParaZapper please !
Dear ParaZapper.
After watching and reading this forum for some time, you seem to be the most knowlegable on them. I wonder if i can ask you a few quick questions. I'm thinking about buying one, but i dont have a clue.
For about 1 1/2 years now, something has been wrong with me. Pain started in my stomach area, and quickly, i could feel it moving into my groin, then thighs, the calves. My symptoms now are, eye pain, headaches, burning, pinching pain throught body and Foggyness. all over muscle twitching. Of course been to may doctors , that are just saying Fibromialgia. ( Crock ). So i have been doing Humaworm, thinking its parasites. but that doesnt seem to be doing a whole lot. I am thinking Lyme also.
My questions
1. What is your recomendation which Zapper should i buy. I know there are many, but which do you think ?
2. Do different frequencies cure different things ? And does the Zapper you recommend have the option of changing frequencies?
3. Can you keep zapping through the day at different frequencies.?
Thanks for your time in advance.