About fasting...
First you must determine how "deep" of a cleanse you desire. Consider this your new metabolic baseline.
Second, the most important, is not the fast itself-but what you do to change your diet/lifestyle after the fast is over.
There are as many different fasts as there is diets-by considering the above two items you will greatly improve your outcome.
I presume by liquid fast you mean raw juices. This is very good for beginners. Next time try just herbal teas, ultimately for health and rejuvenation you WOULD want to do plain water fasting.
Allow 2-3 days transition back to 'normal' lifestyle after the fast, but as I've said the goal of the fast is to instill a new paradigm so that after your fast is completed you DON'T re-introduce some the problem to your now re-balanced system.
For example: I am new to blood-type diet and I would like to try fasting. 1)Say to self I am going on a 5-day juice fast and afterwards try the blod-type diet. 2) Do the 5-day fast 3)allow 3days to bring back normal eating-but using only appropriate fruits, veggies, sprouts for your blood-type 4) stick to blood-type diet.
Once you get to the point of doing water fasts, its the afterwards that when you re-introduce foods your body will 'tell' you if its one you should really be eating.
it takes 72 hours of fasting for your body to enter the ketosis/reductive phase for healing, So 5 days is a good average fast for most cases. I've done several 14-days lately(after being introduced to fasting several years ago) & I know someone whose actually done a 65-day air fast(yes not even water, but he had some dire problems due to germ-warfare...).