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Published: 17 y
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It is debatable whether the Fourteenth amendment actually gives illegal alien babies citizenship. This situation is like the Sorcerers Apprentice in the Disney movie, Fantasia.

But there may be 2 to 4 million here or more and even if deported with their parents they can come back when 18 and immediately bring in their parents and spouses, and children, which could be as many as 12 million plus their childred. Then in 5 years their parents could become citizens and immediately bring in all their single children under 21, plus their parents which could number 16 million plus their children.

So if you do the math the anchor babies already here could result in 30 million more immigrants getting entry. This situation is like the Sorcerers Apprentice in the Disney movie, Fantasia. Too many anchors and the ship sinks.

Alien Birthright Citizenship: A Fable That Lives Through Ignorance

500,000 Anchor Babies A Year?


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