Looks like Ron Paul might top $2 Million this time around.
If he'd made a stronger stand on voter fraud and media bias and been as fiery in his emails and other messages as he was to the question of electibility Fox tried to bury, I think he would have had at least double the contributions or more.
JMHO, but I think that playing "their" game was not what got Ron Paul to this point, and playing it now and being mister mamby pamby nice guy to avoid giving the mainstream media and his opponents ammunition to beat him over the head with will not take him any farther.
Earth to RP - they already ARE beating you over the head, and now they are sticking it to you in the other end too and letting them get away with it is costing you support among the faithful who look to you to be a strong tell-it-like it is leader.
The controlled opposition media, voting apparatus and other candidates are going to cheat you out of votes, trivialize you, bury your message, and do whatever they can to keep you from winning you no matter what you do - UNLESS you stand up to them, refuse to play by their rules the same as they refuse to play by ANY rules and expose them so that the rigged game is plain for all to see.
Our side needs a boost, and one that is far more than fawning over coming in second in Nevada a mere 36% behind the winner who was the only other top candidate to campaign there. Or bragging about beating Thompson and Julie Annie in fourth place finishes. It is time to light the torch and fire this baby up or else look forward to digging through the ashes and wandering "what if" and start working on a plan to carry the message on afterwards.
Yes, yes, as I myself said, never, never, never give up (or was that Churchill?) - and I will never give up the message, but when it comes to this race, that goes for us AND our candidate, and we need Ron Paul to step up to the plate and be loud and strong now.
Where else will our message ever find another man (or woman) with such a record of decades of consistent principled integrity to carry on and lead us after Ron Paul?