When my own stomach grumbles a bit and threatens upset, I have found that a good swig of silver almost always calms it down. For really bad infections and systemic conditions, far more than a couple of teaspoons a day are called for, and sometimes that could result in a bit of a loose stool condition. It also may result in you wanting to sleep more while your body is healing.
Colloidal silver is non-specific and wipes out good and bad bacteria. That is why anyone who uses it is well advised, in my opinion, to also supplement with a good pro-biotic. In your instance it might also be a good idea to look at stomach enzymes.
A bit off topic, but based on my recent reading and research, I would say that almost every human on the planet could improve their health by taking plant derived minerals too. We were designed to use over 60 minerals (including trace minerals) but the top levels of our soils have been pretty much stripped bare of most of them. Those who supplement with the plant derived minerals (one product has 75 different ones) report eliminating all kinds of health conditions - and I can believe it.