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Morgellons Disease ~ Living With A Nightmare
Morgellons Disease ~~ Living With A Nightmare
By Jan Smith - A Ten Year Sufferer
The worst possible future is here right now and we need your immediate help. Nanotechnology is disabling and killing human beings. This information is not based on idle conjecture but facts proven by laboratory testing performed by Dr. Hildegarde Staninger at Woodshole/MIT Lab, Lambda Labs, and other accredited labs (refer to Research Section). The results of these important tests are being ignored. The mainstream press for what ever reason has not informed the public by publishing the results of these scientific tests. This is news all Americans citizens should be aware of. Your help is desperately needed.
My name is Jan Smith. I am 58 years old and have been debilitated for the past 10 years with Morgellon’s disease. Other members of my family have this disease as well. I have even had the sad experience of having my pet cat die from this disease. The vet said it was allergies but I knew what the lesions were that covered her face and ears. I have heard from many people who have lost their pets. Even worse, many children are ill from this disease.
I have included many photos in this letter. I have been documenting samples of this disease for the past five years and am well versed in the morphology of how this disease is manifesting and progressing in people. I have spent countless hours using a microscope to examine the disturbing signs of Morgellon’s. I have researched the internet extensively on parasites, fungus, nano-technology, patents and other significant related subject matter. Whenever possible, I worked hand-in-hand with researchers to provide samples for analysis and to document symptoms.
the rest of this must read article~~