I'm on day 7 of a very similar juice fast. Although it's my first, so I can't really speak with much experience, it sounds like you're doing it right.
The only things that look suspect to me are the salt water flush and the laxative tea. I read in my textbook Staying Healthy With Nutrition by Haas that not everyone tolerates the salt water flushes well. This may be causing you some trouble. Or the laxative tea is making you excrete more good stuff than you're taking in. Those are my guesses.
Also, I've been mixing my fruit juice with my veggie juice (not ideal according to food combining rules) but I think this may be giving me a better balance of nutrients and sugars than doing them separately. You may want to try that. Store bought green juice (with no added sugar) is very filling, I think it contains bananas... this settles my stomach when I get really hungry and rumbly.