It should be obvious to you now that doctors (beyond a certain point) really don't know what they're doing (they're preoccupied with simply paying the bills). One of the side effects of anorexia is severe tooth decay because the stomach acid causes decay. It also harms the throat. The VAGUS NERVE extends from the brain to the stomach region.
I have NO medical training at all, but the TONGUE, NECK (the vagus nerve runs through it) and JAW (dental?) with ACID REFLUX (can be caused by vagus nerve) might mean that the solution might be a digestive one. The vagus nerve can even become entangled around the stomach and cause a HIATAL hernia.
A naturopath doctor might be able to find out the REAL cause (years of throwing up entangled the vagus nerve????) AND solution. A chiropractor can cure a hiatal hernia in 5 minutes.
Omega 3 fish oil could be a big help. Sea Salt would help many things. Mercury Amalgam dental filling can release mercury into the body and cause many problems (including digestive and nerve problems). Don't drink diet soda, aspertame could be causing the problem by itself, so could Mono-Sodium-Glutamat (Natrium Glutamat) .