Re: First animal-human embryo trials to go ahead
Then you are familiar with the ideas of chimeras~~
I think those ideas go back a long way perhaps
as far as the Sumerian texts or further.
Closer to modern times, I saw a program a couple
of days ago about the Russian researcher who wanted
to make human-ape hybrids. Like you, I was repulsed
and prefer to leaving those decisions to evolution
and the power of God~~
Still, with all the genetic mapping and manipulation,
this twist has been long in the coming and obviously
from the article listed above, a goal of researchers
for decades. Truly this brave new world is not one
for the faint of heart. I just think that nature does
not need help to create a human the way we are meant
to be procreated, and in doing so, surely there will
be repercussions the researchers have not anticipated.
As it is our differences cause many is
not hard to imagine that if we have human hybrids
that those differences would be further highlighted
and bring up issues that will grow exponentially