Re: MMS and Mercury
I'm hoping the same as you.
Unfortunately in Humble's 2nd book the only reference about mercury is :
"""Secondly, the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement oxidizes the heavy metals within the body. I
believe this because there have been a number of tests where the
hair roots were checked before and after taking
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . Afterwards,
the heavy metals were gone. That includes mercury and lead and
several other metals. Unfortunately, hair root testing is not totally
accurate, but it is a good indication. Oxidation of the heavy metals is
not the same process as chelating, but the results are the same.
When a heavy metal is oxidized it is neutralized and is simply washed
out of the body."""
If only someone could come in contact with him and ask him about this important information.
Humble responds to e-mails that only have the distrinctive "Story of success" in the subject line. His email is