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Re: Can you read this?
Ohfor07 Views: 1,678
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Re: Can you read this?

This is known as pattern recognition. It's a cumulative characteristic of the human mind often utilized with spoken and or written communication. Often times people and their minds are unknowingly using pattern recognition in that people may not consciously notice that this is what their mind is doing. People may not even be aware that their mind has a tendency to invoke pattern recognition as they read that written and listen to that spoken. This tendency naturally increases over the age of the given human. The logic is, the more cumulative experience a person has, the more of a certain kind of memory their mind has to draw on to contribute to this characteristic human tendency - to automaticlaly fill in for the gaps or apparent errors that may accompany written and spoken communication...from the transmitting end, so to speak. Generally it does not require a university in order to notice, espouse and or harness the power of pattern recognition. That in itself is part of it's own separate pattern.

This might seem way off topic, but the topic of pattern recognition interests me. On the one hand, pattern recognition can be helpful in some circumstances. The written examples given is a good example of this. On the other hand, it can potentially be a drawback for the potential of leading a mind to perceive patterns that were not genuinely estalished in the first place. A quick example of this would be the topic of global warming. It's been almost a year to the day when it was still BEFORE report released by the then convening collection of global climate experts. Before that official report came out, there was widely distributed both through the web as well as the broadcast media - to include print, television and even movies/music fronts, select sneak previews "leaked" from "anonymous sources" purporting to know what the forthcoming report was going to report. That was then, a year ago. Since then, I do not ever remember seeing the official report having been released. Sinc ethen I have seen snippets of tv - both news outlets as well as sitcoms and other serials, that have subtly worked content into their program as though global warming is already a foregone conclusion. It's not. However, due to the mind's built in capacity for pattern recognition, anyone who's gotten a steady diet of media the past year may have unwittingly gotten programmed into their consciousness the false fact that global warming is exactly what the panel of experts say it is.

Here are some other simple tests that might make for a fun challenge to any of those 100 people who took the word test. I'll admit up front that it may not be as easy for anyone person to objectively view the timeline involved and come away with the experience of having discerned any of the many patterns now firmly embedded in the recent trail of our history. This test requires the ability of a mind to go beyond the simple task of recognizing simple patterns made up of streams of words - written or spoken words. This is testing for the ability to see into the realm of patterns more complex than simple black on white pictures. As such this test mgith require a bit more comprehension to see the patterns at least some of the obvious patterns revealed by a simple timeline view of recent history.

1 AD

100 AD

500 AD

1000 AD

1500 AD

1600 AD

1700 AD

1800 AD

1900 AD *

2000 AD

Note that up to AD1900, there had been, conservatively, a few millenium of recorded history that had not recorded any worldly events as being of the quality noted as neither "world war" nor "world economic collapse". Granted, the history of the world prior to the 1900s had certainly seen it's share of wars, but it stands out that none of these ever rose to the recorded sentiment of "world war". The world's capacity for hanging onto and subsequently making publicly available it's more aged recorded history may also be partly at fault here. In fact this may be part of an inherent pattern to be comprehended. "to the victors go the spoils of war", and the rewriting of history is often acknowledged as one of the most cherished spoils that are why wars are started and fought in the first place. So be it. As a qualifier, I reserve the right to be mistaken in this, but it is my understanding that none of the hundreds of versions of Bible refer to any of the many biblical accounts of wars as "world war". In dramatic fashion, seemingly out of the blue it was in 1913 that an international cabal of proprietors - U.S.A. Inc, suceeded in firmly establishing, albeit through quite unoffical, illegitimate methods, their first, fully operational, fully unfettered global money laundering service officially known as Federal Reserve Bank. By necesity, the disguising of this central bank's primary intended operations - theft on a multitudinous scale, was codependant upon the adoption of a subsidiary operation to specialize in a particular type of theft; progressive income taxation. Both operations were established to operate fully outside the realm of formally established traditions of seemingly honest & legitimate law, yet both were and have operated ever since as though they are operating within the realm of honest law. Among the virtues claimed by said cabal was that this kind of central banking authority would assure the people of the world - especially those in the land of the free, that none of the dire economic circumstances that had been perpetrated in the several decades prior to 1913 would ever happen again. Suddenly, mysteriously... "coincidentally" as is the refrain of those with an accidentalist's method for understanding history's pattterns, in no less than 5 years, the world found itself in the middle of it's first ever war recorded/named as "world war". Act II of was further marketed as "the war to end all wars". Guess what happened between the dropping of the curtain on act I and it's raising on act II? The stage known as the world recorded it's first ever financial meltdown... no less than 16 years removed from the world event that assured such meltdowns would never happen again. To repeat, the world hummed along for nearly 2 thousand years with never a world meltdown to speak of, but then found itself one less than 2 decades after ushering in a group of global money changers claiming they would see to it that such meltdowns would not occur. The epicenter is recorded to have occured somewhere between London and New York City. The effects and aftershocks are still to be felt in this day - 2008. Back then they were especially felt in select locales around the world, to include the land formerly known as America that itself had been quietly supersceded by U.S.A. Inc in the wake of the war that pitted North versus South... a grand, complexly woven pattern that many people to this day still refuse to discern. In the land formerly known as America, people to this day still think of and refer to that financial meltdown as beign made of the kind of gigantic, mysterious economic forces that no man could ever hope to manipulate or control - "The Great Depression", and many of these still think of that North V South meltdown as being about nothing else except, exlusively, the slave issue. On the exiting end of the 1929 meltdown, the proprietors of U.S.A. Inc had authored into existance numerous unlawful practices purported as law, to include the Social Security System, the very language of which asserted A) participation was voluntary and B) contained explicit statutes with corresponding criminal punishment for anyone ever found guilty of attempting to solicit an SS# for the express purpose of using said number as a means for identifying a given person. It was during the final shutdown phases of act II that the global body - the U.N., was animated into existance. They claimed their primary charter and reason for being was to put a stop to world wars by, instead, uniting the world in peace. Since that time the world has experienced less peace and more recorded wars worldwide than it had ever recorded up to the date of the founding of the U.N..... and all of these having occured in the wake of the war that was to end all wars. Virtually every former sovereign nation of the world has since been incorporated and subsequently implemented their own near-idential method for inventoring human flesh. Each may not have overtly name their system SS, but in this respect, what is in a name?; it's the number that they are after anyway. The global HQ for inventoring the globe's human flesh is said to be housed in Brussels. Go to live there or in any of the other lands currently comprising the E.U.. Be prepared to have a number asigned for the purpose of ID'ing yourself.

The most amazing aspect by virtue of it's self-propelling forces of this particular pattern, itself which is like a massive overlay, is - "so nobody ever gets found guilty, so what? ... that's our system, it's the only one we have, therefore we must use it and allow it to work". There are numerous patterns, many of them repeating, to be comprehended in all of this. Chief among the patterns being repeated is that everything tends to be turned upside down from how the authorities originally explained the purposes of their various systems of patterns before they were put into operation upon us.

Here is another game of pattern recognition to test one's skills of comprehension. The same timeline as above suffices. Note that through the year AD 1970, the history of the world had never recorded any incidents that were even hinted at as being AIDs, or Polio. Some people claim that the Bible did in fact refer to these, except, the Bible called these all "plagues" because the era of the bible did not yet have professional medicine to study, research and eventually coin names for all the plagues experienced in biblical times.....may be, I dunno. Meanwhile, starting in the 1920's - that's nearly two millenia of history to you and me, the proprietors of U.S.A. Inc had gotten a firm grip on their newly emerging enterprise - professional medicine and the leagues of attendant authorities and regulators to run interference for same. One of the first widescale actions of note of this new profession was the widescale surgical removal of tonsils from young children. Why? Because they were habitually becoming enflamed. Why? At this point it is difficult to pinpoint why. Surgical removal of body parts just because they became enflamed is, from the perspective of professinal medicine, akin to a firefighter removing the batteries from residental smoke detectors just because they often go off for reasons unknown. By the 1940s, the same medical profession had announced their notice of an epidemic that had theretofor in history never been recorded prior - Polio. During the same intervening years, professional medicine had been experimenting with a thing they called "vaccine". By the mid 1940s, the medical profession had instituted wholesale innoculation of people with one of their new invention; "Polio Vaccine". By the 1970s, the same medical profession had announced that they were noticing yet a new plague that had theretofor not come within their powers of observation; sharp increases in "Cancers". Meanwhile, the idea of vaccinations had generally come to be accepted by the common people for no other reason than the common people believing that it was for their own good. That in itself is a sterling example of a very simple pattern that gets repeated often. Also in the 70's, populations as diverse as those from Africa, to New York city, to San Francisco, had been given mass innoculations named "Hep B Vaccination". Hepatitis generally speaks to a condition of swelling of the Liver. Hep B is the B variant of swollen liver. Why the swollen liver? Professional Medicine has often been quoted as saying that Hep B may likely occur due to needles piercing the seal of the human body - called skin, the implication being that the needle itself carries some sort of germ that incubates and eventually raises it's head as Hep B. People by and large have been conditioned to only think of drug addicts as the kinds of people prone to coming in contact with needles that pierce their skin and thereby delivering germs into their body to eventually manifest as deadly disease. The oddity to this pattern is that professional medicine, going back to it's earliest years, established it's calling card through the use of using needles to pierce the skin of many a patient so as to inject them will all manner of things, to include all manner of germs. The really odd aspect of this pattern is that people never seem to be much inclined to considering those kinds of potentially dirty needles. For some reason the people keep their attention directed at the kinds of dirty needles used by anyone other than professional medicine. By the mid 80s, people in these very same population centers were mysteriously diagnosed as suffering from history's first ever recorded incidence of "AIDs" plauge.



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