Re: mms and the heart
There is a great deal of evidence to indicate that cholesterol deposits
in the arteries veins around the heart are not the cause of heart
attacks. The evidence points out that the walls of these vessels,
about 10
inches on the heart, are collapsed 70 to 80 times every
minute with each beat of the heart for our entire lifes. The walls of
these vessels are strengthened by vitamin C and with a deficiency in
vitamin C they lose their strength. When the vessel walls crack they
remain collapsed and this is when the heart attack happens. The
cholesterol that medical people say is clogging the veins has really
been deposited there to compensate for the deficiency in vitamin C.
It is the body’s secondary defense to prevent collapsed walls of
thearteries and veins. Take 6 to 10 grams of vitamin C daily.
Reduce the amount if you get diarrhea. Dr. Matthias Rath
researched this data. Get his book, Why Animals do not have Heart
Attacks. Check the Internet. The proof has been established as well
as it can be, certainly a hundred times better than the idea that
cholesterol drugs will make you less likely to have a heart attack.
My opinion in this case would be to take a lot of vitamin C for a few
weeks before using the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement to clean out the cholesterol. Make sure
the walls of the blood vessels are strong before removing the
cholesterol. Read Dr. Matthias Rath’s books.