Diet: She probably can't eat much as it is. Your friend needs some protein but probably not doable right now. Distilled water, olive and flaxseed oil. Also some aloe vera to sooth and heal the intestinal lining. Go with a superfood. I prefer Sun Chlorella blue green algae. Schulzes superfood is good. Many good ones on the market.
No synthetic vitamins and no drugs. Otherwise her diet is going to have to be trial and error. See what she can tolerate and works best for her. At this stage she might do good on the sprouted grains.
The big thing right now is the antipatasite program. Even after the bugs are gone it's going to take time to heal the intestines so she can eat normally. She's got a rough road ahead of her but if she doesn't get this thing nipped right now her life is basically over. But maybe she wants it that way. With what she's in the middle of the apathy has to be getting to her.