Re: mh
This has been answered many times.
NO HUMAN is perfect and therefor, I have never met nor heard of anyone born to fruitairian parents and raised on fruits, thus the Bible suggest we are all sinners and receive our daily punishments known as ageing.
What anyone individual does, does not nor ever will alter the facts. The medical and scientific world agreed over 150 years ago that humans are designed to solely eat fresh fruits, period....
I had over 100X the normal amount of lead in my body from working 30 years with lead, grew up on a dairy farm and a host of many other reasons, including having all the vaccines and poli shots, etc. & why no one in their right mind would ever want to be compared with what I have done.
I eat what I please and that has forced me to eat better, because eating as you please, rots your teeth as does having too much lead, etc. I must admit I do better each year and as PAUL suggest in the Bible, if we were only ONE and not a FAMILY, then I probably would only eat fruits. As a family I do as all the old medical books suggest we do, follow the cook of the house. If the cook of the house was a fruitairian then yes, odds are we all would be, but she is not and you don't waste your time telling another human what to do, because they will do as their mothers trained them and nothing differant unless they choose to.
I have no excuses and I don't worry about wat I eat. If someone is foolish enough to ask me what they need to do to get healthy, well Ya Know I am going to tell them to Obey Nature and that means te fresh fruit diet. If I get sick, I too will do what I need to do and if not, you simply die from your habits.