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Re: Sparkling spring water - Bad?

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Published: 17 y
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Re: Sparkling spring water - Bad?

Happy to oblige...

Sorry about the 3-6 blues...

Are you drinking full strength McCocktails?

Sometimes it's so easy to over do it. We can
feel so damn good and full of energy, so we
workout, go nuts...hee haa...on top of the world!

Remember EVERYONE, we take on only 1200 calories
per day on the MC. The average body burns 50 calories
per hour just sleeping, 100 per hour playing cards,
400-500 per hour walking. DO DA MATH ...the energy
has to come from somewhere.

I heavily advise always using two tablespoons of Maple,
always. Whether here for cleansing or weight loss. I
ALwAYS shoot for 10-12 McCocktails per day. I'm 6'3",
and that works out to 1/2 my weight in ozs. Water

The lemonade is the key to converting your fat into energy
so you can do those workouts, runs, wrestling,boinking,

Using exactly the right amounts and organic is imperative,too.

I run on like this,and I'm not directing this to you,waldo5,
wherever you are, only because I learned the hard way that
skimping & skipping were my biggest mistakes. You
can and WILL crash hard and recovery is rough. Boy did I hit
the wall a couple of times when I spaced out my supplies,
going hours w/out....BAM, hell just read some of my incoherent,
moody, past old posts. Sorry :P

Luckily you are a forgiving clan...hey...I said I was sorry!!!

Aloha Friday...rock on everybuddy! Enjoy the week end!


Here is a video for those who love mother earth and her inhabitants:
-please pass it on, please take it to heart :)



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