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There's something to be said for "looking the part".
MtnnnDewww Views: 1,174
Published: 17 y
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There's something to be said for "looking the part".

"Looking Presidential" encompasses many distinguished traits that point towards one being "Executive". Ronald Reagan had it, John Kennedy had it, Clinton didn't have it, Bush Sr. had it to an extent, Bush Jr. really doesn't have it. You notice an aire of control that only comes with experience. I don't see that in Hillary or Obama, for instance, because they've never run anything. Rudi and Mitt have had an "executive position" in something and it shows. Huckabee kind of has it but to a lesser extent because he does so many un-Presidential things such as play guitar on late night shows. That dumbs down the office. I don't want my President playing guitar...I want him fighting terrorism. That's what I pay him for. You also have to consider what our President looks like to others around the world. Will they fear him? Will they not challenge his authority? Will they take him serious? All I know is that they sure did take Reagan seriously. I don't see another Reagan out there...but Mitt is as close to "Presidential" as I see in the race.


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