#79252 & Beth
"So I think you are right, when we are vibrationally aligned with what we want - health - we like foods that are in alignment with that!"
THAT is profound, 79252! To take it one step further, perhaps the fact that you both DIDN'T like the treats not only indicates that your vibration has changed (yeah!), but to 'turn it around', if we still like the crap, is it an indicator that our vibration is still resonating with the treats, and that all we have to do is continue to work on our desire for greater health? Now, we could apply this to anything else as well.
For e.g., if we haven't noticed a change in areas of our lives that we're 'allowing' to change, then if things remain the same, all we need to "do" is relax a little bit more, breathe a little bit more and continue to find something to be happy about - moment by moment. When the 'condition' improves, *eureka* our alignment has been successfully established! It's similar to finding a radio channel or an internet site. The alignment/code needs to be exact (elsewise we get a fuzzy audio reception or a Mailer-Daemon) or we come up without fullness of the desired results.