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Re: Sinus Infection
Hi Pratt: Hot stuff, spicy hot stuff, Cheyenne pepper sauce, that type of stuff and whiskey.
You've probably heard about my Buffalo chicken wings and whiskey cure-all. Of course it's not a cure-all but there is some legitimacy to it. Bacteria and viruses HATE spicy stuff. And whiskey numbs the bateria up so the hot sauce can kill them. It works. Viruses thrive at low body temperatures so anything hot will do them in.
I use Clarks zapper for any and all infections. Bacterial, viral, doesn't matter. If you don't have a zapper you can get a simple 9 volt battery, that's the little rectangular one with the two poles on one end, get a little piece of paper towel and wrap it around one finger. Get it nice and wet and hold the battery with one hand with the wrapped finger and wet paper towel on it touching one of the poles. With the other hand keep your finger wet and tap on the other pole. I would just lick my tapping finger to keep it wet. Vary the tapping, fast, slow, but not too slow and do that for 7 minutes. It's the intermitant electrical charge that kills the bacteria and viruses. 7 minutes on 20 minutes off, 7 minutes on 20 minutes off, 7 minutes on. When you get an extra hundred bucks get a zapper. Can be found at (I think)
Otherwise anything with tomatoes in it. Soup, pizza, chicken wings, etc. Also a good neck adjustment. Cleans the sinuses right up.