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2nd Round of Humaworm
iamdacat Views: 1,801
Published: 17 y

2nd Round of Humaworm

I am doing my second round of Humaworm and am on day 10. I have had much more reaction this go around. First round I did in June and had very little reaction. Never saw least anything I would recognize as a parasite. Did not have much reaction physically either, except when I take in the morning on an empty stomach, it "burns" in my belly. Rarely feel that on my nightly dose, even though I try and take about 90 minutes after eating.

This go around, I developed a boil about the size of a nickel right below my eye. It is still there and has been for several days. That has never happened before. On Sunday I had bad stomach pains and that lasted 24 hours...My eyes are dry as cotton...The only thing different this time around is my diet is pretty much raw. Not 100%, but I am doing a lot green drinks in my vita mix, so I am sure this is having a positive effect. This is bonafide detox!

Humaworm, your products are the best and thanks for educating us on curezone


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