"Sounds like the Atkins diet. Of course he claims a high success rate
in curing diabetis also."
The Virginia Mason Clinic located in Seattle, puts all their Type II
diabetics on a 45 carbohydrate per day diet. That's 15 carbohydrates per
meal, no more for the day. Atkins induction diet is 50 carbohydrates, so
VM is more restrictive that Atkins. Oils and fats are not
restricted. The Bernstein diet (he's an MD with Type I who had to become
an MD for people to listen to him) advocates 4 carbohydrates per meal -
maximum. He's a 73 year old Type I and gets by on minimal amounts of
carbohydrates. His diet has worked for many Type II's as well.
Virginia Mason has done diabetes research since about 1923. This is a
result of their continuing research.
I've been able to control my Type II on the diet alone - no
medications. Others have too. So I would suspect that many could
control their Type II with the Caveman Diet - which does not include
grains. It was agriculture along with grains and the advent of a higher
carbohydrate diet that brought many ills to humanity.