Re: Broken neck syndrome specifics
i don't take hormones. i take 7-keto dhea. but i take it because of something else, not mercury. i do not believe in DMPS and i don't feel doing it takes out all mercury out of your brain, lymphatic system and organs. so, it is best to use a wide spectrum of chelators that both mobilize and bind to and pull mercury out. DMPS should never be used. it was designed for military personel to get large amounts of heavy metals out very quickly. and, it is not very safe for them, either. it doesn't matter that you did not do the challenge test, as it is not an accurate measure of mercury in your body anyway. i do not have any case studies, sorry.
excerpt from my site:
DMPS Challenge Test [is a] urine mercury test before and after a chelation "challenge" with DMPS that liberates mercury stored in body tissues. This is much more accurate and meaningful than plain blood or urine testing. [I do not recommend this test. DMPS and DMSA were originally government military tests designed to get large amounts of heavy metals out of our soldiers. They can be dangerous according to Hal Huggins. Patients can end up bed-ridden for months, on dialysis, some have even died!
there is good chelation on there and on my chelation page:
some members of my dr morales mercury removal group may be able to advise you on candida and thrush: