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Re: My Abortion Argument
adamson77 Views: 1,617
Published: 16 y
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Re: My Abortion Argument

i had the mirena iud and didnt know exactly what it was, so anyway it was lost and the dr did an ultrasound and i saw an embryo i asked him what is that , he said nothing significant. to him that was true, to me i knew what i was looking at because i am a lover of biology. what happened next is another dr came and and rammed this pole in my uterus pertending to look for the lost mirena i was in shock and still is. i know that people can still get pregnant on birth control and that is is safter to remove it. i just didnt expect that dr to attack me with out asking permission to touch me. i know that i was 5 weeks and wanted another child. people are so use to killing that it dont matter to them. my only proof that i was pregnant was trash by dr todd m beste and he changed my records and kept taking his name off of them. i live with this everyday. when i found out that i had an iud and how it works i was so sad. a baby at any stage is life no matter what other people say. i hate all forms of bc and will never let my daughter go to the ob gyn alone. condoms are fine
nonoxinol 9 is no longer used in them
i rather have a rash than aids or std
the fda is just crazy to take away nonoxinol 9 but approve all these crazy birth controls that actually just kill the embryo by not letting it implant. i never knew any of this because i never used birth control until the dr talked me into it and it almost killed me so the mirena had to fix the damage the patch had caused.

fixthedix stop the abotions duh



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