My thoughts on this...
Hey 79252,
I am thinking that this means, you can be unaffected by the toxins, pesticides and so on, IF you believe and feel that way.
I bless my food before I eat it. "Bless this food and restore it back to its original nutritional value. Let my body accept the nutrients and what is not nutritional allow to pass through my body." Now, there are many who would say this cannot be done. Yet, I say to you, if you have 'the faith of a mustard seed', why can it not be so?
I understand that there is much, even on CureZone, that is so against a lot of things, except this is being FOR it. Believe your food is healthy and nutritional and Feel it is so and it will be so. "As above, so below".
It is what you believe, what you feel, is the vibrational attitude you will portray. From what you have learned and utilized in a relationship can also be learned and utilized with food, drink and whatever you desire.
OH and just wanted to comment on your post to Lady Sunshine, You are an Expert at this. You are utilizing it daily in your life. As you continue to use it, you will become even more proficient. Choose to 'see' yourself as the Expert!