You can forego the conscious sedation, but I don't recommend it. It makes it easier on the patient and the dr. Your immune system recovers faster. the dr works faster. They don't have to give you as many shots (about 1/3 of what they normally give because the brain reacts differently to pain under sedation). If you don't want it, they need to break up most patient's appts into 2 or 3 days, as the jaw does not like to stay open more than 2 to 3 hours.
Under sedation, the jaw does not get sore or stiff. Patients who do sedation when they were wondering about it, always say they are so glad they decided to. Also, the nature of the sedation affects the short term memory temporarily, so the patient will often be done with the appt and not remember even starting the work, or remember only a few minutes of it. It is up to the patient if they want it or not. About 95% of people with major work opt for it.