Paul won't win - wrong issues
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Paul WON’T win – wrong issues.
January 6, 2008
I watched the New Hampshire debates last night. Just the Republican one. For sure there are two perspective voters. The ones who know what’s going on and the ones who think this is just another election. The ones who use the Internet for educational purposes and the ones who think it’s just a neat gadget that helps them communicate with their friends and run their business.
Unfortunately most people think this is just another election.
This is THE election and we’re going to lose. Dr. Paul doesn’t have a chance.
This election isn’t about illegal immigration – it’s about the Kennedy assassination.
It’s not about health care coverage – it’s about the Martin Luther King assassination.
It’s not about higher taxes – it’s about Waco Texas.
It’s not about National debt – it’s about Oklahoma City.
It’s not about the war on terror – it’s about 9/11 truth.
The media won’t go near what this election is really all about. They want the public to think it’s just another election and it’s important for the election process to inform people how all these candidates think about all these so-called important issues.
I don’t agree with Devy Kidd who says 911 doesn’t belong in this debate about the election. The truth about 911 SHOULD be what this whole election revolves around.
It is with us who know what’s going on in this country and the world. It is to those of us that have lost major portions of our lives at the hands of our elected officials the past 50 years. It is to those us that have fought the battles with the IRS, FDA and all the other benevolent government agencies. It is to those of us that have survived “terminal”.
911 is THE issue. Period. Kennedy, Martin Luther, Bobby, Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City, Vietnam, Gulf wars, etc. and now 911.
One picture, one picture, that’s all it would take. And most people have seen that picture. It was right on the mainstream news as it happened. And yet to discuss that one picture is taboo. Can’t be done, won’t be allowed.
I’d love to see it. Put that picture right up there on a big screen in front of all the candidates. (Republican and Democrat) There it is, a clear, concise, in focus, picture of the rubble pile of the twin towers. Can’t miss it, plain as day. The diagonal cut made by explosives on the support beams. A nice clean, clear, diagonal cut that even shows the melted steel drippings from the explosives. Then ask the candidates what it means.
That one picture explains what “really” happened to the twin towers. No other pictures are necessary. You don’t even have to mention the “facts” that there was no plane at the Pentagon or in Pennsylvania. (They showed flight 93 landing in Cleveland on the Cincinnati news). Don’t have to mention the “fact” that building 7 was “pulled” which was right on TV. The guy that owned it said it.
No, Dr. Paul will NOT win. He won’t win because not enough people are willing to look. It scares them. They can’t admit to themselves a lie of that magnitude. They want to think this election is about illegal immigration or the economy, or fighting terrorism. It’s NOT.
It’s about getting rid of the politicians that are owned by the bankers that have run this country since 1913. Any and all of the other candidates are owned by these people. They will all give us more of the same. Dr. Paul is the ONLY one who can change it. Nobody owns Paul.
So, THE question will never be asked. And as long as it’s never asked we don’t have a chance. It doesn’t matter who the candidate is.
The question is: Why is there a diagonal cut on the support beams in the twin towers rubble pile? The second question would be: WHO put it there?
Of course you and I and all the good people on know the answer to those questions.
Will the rest of the sleeping public wake up in time to elect Paul? I’d love to think so but it appears it’s not going to happen in 2008. Well, I’m not going to go into apathy about it. I’ll continue to bring truth to society. My expertise is in Natural Healing, but I won’t stop with that. I will continue to spread the word to everyone I know about ALL the lies “they” bring us so by 2012 there will be no way they can deny us.
My opinion is to keep plugging away at the 911 truth message. Ultimately I see the truth about 911 bringing them down.
911 truth is what this election should revolve around the rest is diversion.
Dr. Kenneth R. Sutter II