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Re: sea salt in neti pot?
Ohfor07 Views: 5,115
Published: 17 y
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Re: sea salt in neti pot?

I say that it looks like you already got the better answer on your own :)

I would also say that there may not have been enough genuine thought put into those instructions......I mean, lets say there was some truth to the notion that Sea Salt is "too strong"... whatever they may have meant with that? Does it take rocket Science to dilute Sea Salt with enough water to make it not too strong? LOL.

Good job, looks like you arleady figurred this out. What benefits did you notice from using the Neti with Sea Salt ?

Here is a real kick in my head. During a conversation with my mother last week, she mentioned Neti Pot. I was sort of astounded she was aware they existed. My mother is about as plugged into the TV and otherwise as unplugged from the rest of the world that a person could be. I think she said that she saw/heard about them somewhere from the vast depths of cable TV. Otherwise, I do not know of any other way mother would know about them.

Trivia question: who knows why the free world's most famous table salt has used for many years the buyline - "when it rains, it pours" ?



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