Not sure if this would be useful to anyone, but thought I'd post it.
I ran out of clove and wormwood capsules, and my order through the Internet was not going to arrive until next week. I was past my weekly parasite maintenance date, so I went to a local store. They did not have the capsules, but had bulk clove powder and wormwood tincture. I mixed a "cocktail" in a glass of Apple Cider. 2 tsp. Black Walnut, 2 tsp. Wormwood, 1 tsp. Cloves. The last time I ate or drank was last night about 7 PM.
- 8 AM - Drank it. An absolutely horrible taste (A long way from tasting like chicken).
- 9 AM - Felt lightheaded, and can't get the taste out of my mouth. Mental thoughts are "cloudy".
- 9:15 AM - BM. Looked "normal".
- 9:30 AM - The children can hear the gurgling coming from inside me. Stomach and head felt itchy.
- 10:45 AM - BM. Nothing of particular note.
- 11 AM - Himalayan Salt bath. Felt better, and was very relaxed. Itching subsided substantially.
- 12 PM - Zapped.
- 1 PM - Took nap.
- 3 PM - BM. Nothing extraordinary, but felt great after.
- 3:15 PM - Took P & B shake.
- 4 PM - Took probiotic.
- Feel OK, mentally in-there, but fatigued.
The number of BM's were interesting since I had not taken anything special to induce them. Nothing that I would call a parasite. I thought I saw eggs, but upon examination was a part of Friday's salad. The BM's do have a bad smell that I've attributed to die off.
Right now I'm going to assume the die off symptoms I experience are related to viruses/bacteria. I have been Oil Pulling, and the sensitivity and pain (toothaches) have disappeared. However, there has been a huge build up in my ears to where I have to clean them out with hydrogen peroxide every night. I had a filling fall out a few years ago, and I've always suspected the dentist did a quack job. I've had the ear build up symptoms since then, but it usually takes a week or so. Since I started OPing the buildup in my ears has been daily. Some days with pressure. I also suspect the other toothache is a another filling in a molar in distress.
- I'm thinking is adding a few things to the mix….primarily iodine.
- Get the fillings taken care of.
- Keep the parasite maintenance program going.
- Get through LF's until clean.
- Throw a kidney cleanse in between a couple LF's.
- Do a metals cleanse.
- After all that, do a very heavy parasite cleanse probably beginning with HumanaWorm.
I'm actually thinking I can get my brain back to operating at full capacity. My memory has not been good, but lately I've seen improvements in some areas, and a worsening in others.