Re: #79252 About being too specific
but where does the line of becoming delusional and having a strong vision??
I have done this in the past to the point of becoming nearly metally ill lol.
Not everything is so cut and dry nor that simple..roadblocks,contradictory feelings,
thoughts they do get in the way..but you are so right on about having a pure vision,
the purer the vision the quicker one obtains the goals but then all has to be flowing in one fluid goal of outcome.BUT I have noticed that even if you do intentionallly stray from the intitial goal...even with the mistakes,you will be drawn back ito the same route you were once on,regardless of becoming side tracked.
the busier the mind I have noticed,the less and less effective it is when dealing with introspection and visualization.Though during this state it does best in action mode.I have figuired out to not let my thoughts betray me at those times,some days everything is so screwed up,others everything fits like a puzzle..perfectly.