Re: porcelain fused to semiprecious
There are several types of crowns: porcelain fused to gold, porcelain fused to semi-precious metal, porcelain fused to non-precious, full gold, full semi-precious metal and all porcelain.Porcelain fused to metal restoration is one in which porcelain is bonded to an underlying basic substructure of a ceramic alloy. The standard porcelain fused to metal crown (PFM) or porcelain fused to semi-precious (PSP) is made of Ceramco high fusing porcelain, using either non-precious, semi-precious, or precious metals. Verabond (this contains nickel) is the non-precious metal example of precious metals are a white high noble (Stability Noble Alloy) and Precious/High noble yellow alloy 86% gold (Bioclus4, Degudent, Germany). an example of a semi-precious metal is white alloy 52% gold (gold Deva, Degudent, Germany).
There are different brands of metal alloys for fusing to porcelain. CLICK HERE for an example.
Palladium is a member of the Platinum group. Palladium is lighter and less expensive than platinum and is mixed with yellow gold to create white gold. Palladium is higher in semi-precious as opposed to precious, and some people are sensitive to it. Some labs make a precious metal for porcelain crowns which is palladium free. Also, it is best to use a brand of porcelain which does not contain aluminum.
If you are concerned about the crown products to be placed in your mouth, it is best to get a biocompatibility test. It will show which products are best for you. Information is on my website on the FAQs page: