Bill's Success Coaching
Hi Bill, this is a summary of where we have got to right now based on the information that starts here:
Bill: “I have tried to study the secrets from many people who I found inspiring because of the great deal of hardships they faced and over came. I unfortunately have not put these lessons into practice for some unknown self-sabotaging reason. It has taken me many years to learn I was preventing my own success and now that I know I am self-sabotaging, I am doing my best to stop this activity and release my abilities to improve myself and others’ life.”
Me: “Self sabotage is connected with fears and limiting beliefs. Maybe you want to think about why you don't want success. Along with all the good stuff, what bad stuff would success bring you?”
This is very common, I use the word psychological reversal for this. For example, someone may consciously want to succeed, but may feel that success brings too much attention, or that they don't deserve it etc. so there are many reasons why people self sabbotage their own happiness.”
Bill: “Every since I was in my twenties, I have studied successful people in all walks of life. I have compared successful doughnut shop owners to CEOs of major companies. I at first thought it was an intelligence issue, then I thought it was a personality issue, then I thought it was a managerial issue, but with each and every one of the “things” I thought it was, I proved it was not. So, my personal research lends me to believe it is the “Law of attraction”.
It is for this reason I am glad to find this forum and be able to learn how to put into effect the principle(s) of LOA and start improving my life.
Invincible, how should I begin?”
Me: “We can't compare ourselves with anyone else. We are only looking for our personal happiness.
Look at the most important areas of your life. Work/Body/Relationships/Health
Pick one of those things and give me a list of 1. what you want and 2. why you want it.”
Bill: “As with anyone, I would like to improve all aspects of my life. Since I was speaking of business earlier, I would like to stay focused on that area first. You ask what I want; I have recently started a marketing business for Natural Health in which we refer people, seeking a natural approach to their health instead of a lifetime of medicating, to professionals who can help them. I want to grow this business so I can touch more lives and as my life has been touched. My why comes form helping people like myself who are looking for answers but are unable to find them.
I hope this gives you enough to go on.”
To be continued in next post shortly ..