Re: I just got out a 1.5in stone!!!
88, the surgeon gave my mama 3 in a bottle after her surgery that were that large, so I'd say definitely a gallstone. I passed 20 very large ones but not THAT large, my biggies were in the1" range.
ABSOLUTELY, take the dewormer NOW ... those flukes are hiding behind that sort of congestion. flush, dewormer ... flush, dewormer ... I even started putting dewormer straight into my evoo/gfj cocktail.
I've talked around here about late summer and feeling a few more stones moving down from deep inside my liver and passing them with the gentle liver flush that I'm doing for maintenance. I've been taking dewormer on a regular basis again and this week started Jan's gentle flush, last night, I passed what must have been the grandfather of my liver flukes ... it was over 2" long, the biggest one I've seen yet and the only one I've seen in months and months.
I've passed well over 2000 gallstones that were at least 1/4 in diameter, btw ... a liver and gallbladder can hold a tremendous amount of these dang things!