Re: Wheatgrass may be Vital if you're a Vegan
I am from a Hindu background, not Christian, but I know for a fact there are some documents mentioning Jesus Christ and the time he spent in Northern India (the Himalayan region from memory). I can't remember what or where those documents are off the top of my head, but they do exist. There might be some info if you google for it. Of course many will find this hard to believe and it is indeed impossible to prove to those disbelievers that the documents are referring to Jesus of Nazareth.
There is also a story/theory in Hindu thought that after the resurrection Jesus returned to India where he lived out the rest of his life. There is a grave (I think in Kashmir from memory) which is supposedly belonging to him. In Hindu terms the death and resurrection of Jesus was a phenomenon not unheard of among advanced yogis with full control over their autonomic nervous systems, breath, mind and the rest.
We are all one. All religions are just different frameworks for appreciating and experiencing the same divine energy.
BTW, Wheatgrass is yummy, thanks for the great post Boldyloxx!!!!!!!!!!!