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DAY 10 Tomorrow I BREAK

Juice Fasting Made Easy
Organic 9 day juice fasting kit. Heals the body, removes toxin...

Original Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

rawrnr Views: 1,534
Published: 16 y

DAY 10 Tomorrow I BREAK

I did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CAnnot believe it..I've done juice quite a few times..NEVER thought I could do water..but its DONE!!!

MAybe because I was so busy today, I could not even sit to be tempted!!
I'm from Toronto, but am in FLorida since the 22. I spent the day at Sawgrass Mall...It is HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I walked and shoppend ALL DAY 11 am to 8 pm!!
YEs I am tired..but not exhausted at all!

After I went to whole foods to pick up my prunes and figs - they are soaking right now - breakFAST tomorrow!!

I didn't even weight myself today - to time, but I was 122 yesterday, and losing a pound a day doing NOTHING but lying in the sun, so I guess I'm at 121.
I bought a BUNCH of new clothes - no pants though, they wouldn't fit me in a few weeks!!! NO way I will stay this cheese is still on my ass though!!

I bought AWESOME GUESS tops as well as a splurge of a Guess Purse - always wanted one....oh and G sunglasses too, among some Tommy H stuff and Victoria's Secret!

We went to Whole Foods after to buy my Stuff,including garden of eden probiotic formula - the most expensive @ $50.00, but the BEST there is....I also treated myself to a book you mat be interested in - RAW FOOD MADE EASY.

I am going to continue with FRUIT and Greens only till the end of Jan. I can continue to keep you all postted but only if you are very interested as when I get home, my life is a whirl wind!!!

I could go on with this, my tongue is white, I am not hungry,,,but I am BORED and need to get back to training....those of you who do 20-40 days.....I just don;t understand why you would go THAT LONG??

I could not and honestly would not want to go that long!

BUT follow your path and heart!!

ALl the best!!

Thank you all SO MUCH for your support!

AND if I can do it YOU CAN!


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