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socrat Views: 4,134
Published: 17 y


Veda and Physics.

1) Ancient Indian Veda approve, that all has arisen from Emptiness.
The Quantum theory consider that: " The Physics is first of all Vacuum. "

2) Veda approve, that in Emptiness exist spiritual,
conscious particles – purusha .
The Quantum theory consider that in Vacuum exist “virtual particles”.
And from them the real particles are born.
Also in the Quantum theory Light quanta has the special status.
Strange behaviour of Light quanta (dualism )
is explained that this particle has initial consciousness.

3) Veda approve, that then have arisen material particles – prakrti .
The Quantum theory of formation of stars
explains how the material particles - protons (prakrti) are formed:
(e- k - He II - He I - rotating He - thermonuclear reaction)

4) Veda approve, that at interaction between
purusha with prakrti all seen Nature is formed.
The Physics approve:
Quantum of light cooperating with a proton passes the following stages:
a) Electromagnetic interaction,
b) Nuclear interaction,
c) Molecular interaction,
d) Biological interaction … .
All seen Nature is formed.
* * *
The development of prakrti goes from creation a simple atom to creation the man.
The development of purusha goes “from vague wish up to a clear thought”.
* * *
There is nothing new under the Sun.
Only the old barrels have filled with new wine.
Only ancient Indian Veda have filled with a physical and mathematical explanation.
Best wishes.



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