19 y
Re: Indigo Adult Charactaristics
I recently was reading about the different auras and learned that the aura violet, which many people have today, is very similar to the indigos and many violets may think they are indigos. The book I've been reading says we are currently in the violet age and most adults and still plenty of children have violet auras. I know that a lot of this sounds like hocus pocus but when you really read the facts, instead of other peoples misinformed opinions, it starts to make sense, atleast to me. Everyone is different and has different energies and the people who are similar would therefore have similar energies or auras. People are now able to photograph the aura in fact. There are also different periods of time when many people of the same aura or personality were born which greatly influenced our history. Most violets started coming around in the 60s which explains the big change in our cultural, especially because violets are very open sexual people which explains the sexual revolution. The subject of the indigo aura is a little more complex than a few simple questions that most people, especially violets, could answer. The only big difference between indigos and violets is that violets want to make a differnce and change the world, often through the media, while indigos prefer to be in solitude living out their ideals. Indigos also tend to have psychic abilities yet violets are deeply spiritual as well. If really learning about the subject, instead of obtaining small amounts of information abd then passing judgements, interests you I would reccomed you read Life Colors:What The Color In Your Aura Reveals. It really is a fascinating book that I've found to have a lot of truth. Its actually pretty fun figuring out the auras of the people you know; my sister is definetely a magenta!