Indigo gathering -east coast
On Saturday, May 6th Lisa Bellini will be holding a Lecture on the
Indigo Children and on the Indigo Adults. Lisa is most excited and
honored that the lecture will also be filmed by the Lumina
Production Crew. Lisa is a 42 year old Indigo Adult, and is raising
a 16 year old Indigo Child; Lisa understands what the children are
going through, the teenagers, and especially the adults who are
currently going through an awakening process, along with the
frustrations that parents and teachers are facing. Lisa will open
her life and bring about understanding to the Indigo's. Lisa has
already lived the life and knows that only an Indigo Adult can bring
about true understand to all groups. Here is a list of topics Lisa
will speak about: Indigo Children, why some of the of them resort to
drugs and alcohol, Indigo Adults, The Awakening Period, Going thru
an Intuitive Depression, Helping our children with Education,
Nutritional Diet and then a Question and Answer (open discussion).
This will help anyone who has children with ADD or ADHD, Indigo
Adults who are going through an Awakening Period, and Teachers. Lisa
will explain how these children think and how they feel.
This gatering is being filmed for a docutmentary, please come so our
voices can be heard as one.
Love and Light
The Gathering will be held at:
Days Inn
1260 Route 22 East
Bridgewater, NJ 08807 908-526-9500
Lisa can be reached at 908-852-9019
The cost is 50.00 pp