At least a hundred people have called or emailed that they are using Miracle-Mineral-Supplement in their mouth with various dental fillings including the Amalgams. Chlorine dioxide is a weak oxidizer. It cannot oxidize metals. There has been no reports of reaction with mercury amalgams, and of course, I would not expect any. As opposed to the hydrogen peroxide which is a strong oxidize and it can oxidize metals.. In fact hydrogen peroxide has many other bad reactions with the mouth.
One, however, should rinse their mouth with clean water after using Miracle-Mineral-Supplement in the mouth. So far I have not been able to find a very smart chemist that understand the chemistry of chlorine dioxide, but they exist. However, no chemistry has been developed concerning the use of ClO2 in the human body and the very low amounts used. There are those who understand high concentrates of ClO2 but do not seem to understand the low concentrates. But over ten years of use I've not found anyone who has been damaged in mouth or body. Considering 975,000 dead from drugs each year, it's a pretty good record.