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Why is my friend having so much saliva in her mouth?
Matchmaker Views: 1,376
Published: 18 y

Why is my friend having so much saliva in her mouth?

My friend is on her second Humaworm cleanse and she is on the extra strength dose. She tells me that she has a lot of saliva around her whole lips where she can't hardly talk at times and if she is laying in bed it feels like it is coming out down her face. her lips are real dry but at the side of her mouth it where it feels like it is constancly wet. What could this be in your expert advice. She finished her Humaworm dose the day after Christmas. Could this be a die off symptom? She says that it is driving her nuts and wants to know when it is going to go away or is there anything that she can do to help it go away? Thanks....Donna


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