18 y
Re: Green Phlegm
I would be glad to.
In simplified terms, I believe the following to be true:
Eat only between noon and early evening. (As the sun is highest in the sky and as it sets.)
Eat fruits at least twenty minutes prior to consuming vegetables, nuts or seeds.
Eat fats and/or proteins at your first meal if so desired, and not with your second. (Eating fats/proteins late in the day exerts your digestive system and can lead to acidity.)
Your diet should be composed with minerals, vitamins and enzymes in mind, forsaking "taste" or predetermined notions of correct sustenance forced upon you by society-programming. It is imperative that one understand the minerals required to rebuild the body, and further, to know which foods are best equipped to provide you with all you need. This may seem incredibly obvious, but it does take some time to accumulate this knowledge (and one of course is in a constant state of learning). Food-combination is a fascinating and highly beneficial topic.
I could speak about this at length, but judging from the reactions of my family members perhaps it is best I cut it short for now!
There is an interesting discussion taking place in another forum, pertaining, albeit indirectly, to your father's concern -- perhaps you wish to read of it...